Sunday, April 8, 2012

My parents visit Texas

In mid February my parents came to visit us here in Texas. (this was my moms 3rd trip) It was my dad's first. I was extremely sick the whole time(baby sick) but tried my hardest to show them a good time. I think we managed to have a pretty good time despite my illness. It was great to have them hear. 

Cowtown marathon

I did my second 5k a few weeks ago when my mom was visiting. She decided to join in and  did her first. I was VERY sick with morning sickness but was determined to stick it out and get it done. It took us 1 hour and 5 min. Im proud of that with all things considering. 

First ultrasound

We had our first ultrasound in the beginning of February. I was 7 weeks at the time. We got to see and hear the heartbeat. It was amazing.

Van Grow

A few weeks ago I bought a groupon(new obsession is for Ryker to go to a place called Van Grow art studio for kids. They got to be creative and have fun. He was a little overwhelmed at first( LOTS of kids), but eventually he got into it and had a good time.

Baby Spihlmann #2!!!

In late January we found out we are expecting baby Spihlmann#2. We are VERY excited to add another family member to our family. My due date is October 5th(hoping late September so the kids don't have to share a birthday month), but we will see.