Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Brians 1st tattoo

Today, Brian got his first tattoo. He has been wanting to get one for a few years...but never knew what to get. He always said...I want to have a good reason to get one. Well.... now he does. He got the number 13 on his left upper arm to represent Ryker. ( 10/13/08) is his birthday if you didnt know. I have to say...it was kind of nice to watch him have some pain, considering the pain I had having Ryker. haha But, He took it like a man, and it turned out great. Preview

Monday, November 10, 2008

Rykers arrival

Well, as many of you know....After a very long 18 hour labor and delivery.....Mr. Ryker Lawrence Spihlmann joined the world on October 13th, 2008 at 11:44 pm. It began at 6:30 am at home. I woke up with contractions. They continued to get more and more intense and closer together through the day. At about 1pm I called the doctor office telling them the imense pain I was in. They had me come to the office at 3pm to see if I was in "active labor" Well duh...when we arrived the doctor confirmed (what I already knew) I was in active labor...I was 5 cm dialated and needed to go to the hospital....I finally decided at about 7pm that I wanted an epidural...well...to make a long story short...after 7 attempts to place the epidural...it did not even work...meaning..I felt every bit of labor and delivery. If it wasnt for my mother and Brian...I dont know if I would have made it through it. But....I did and he is everything we dreamed and much, much more. I cannot begin to describe the love we have for this little man. It indeed was all worth it. He is our pride and joy....baby Ryker