Wednesday, August 31, 2011

 This was in our living room.(its known as a "common house gecko" They are harmless and are bug eaters.) I found it as I was doing my daily sweeping up. (our house is ALL tile and wood except Rykers room)  I yelled, "Brian, LIZARD LIZARD!" He yelled back, NOPE NOPE NOPE, NOT GONNA HAPPEN, IM NOT HELPING YOU!"  I had to beg him to bring me a cup or something to get the thing scooped up. You should have seen how fast he opened the front door and jumped back!  It was comedy! For those of you who don't know, he is TERRIFIED of reptiles. haha good times.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Blue October

A few months ago I heard Blue October was going to be in Dallas at the House Of Blues. It is my FAVORITE band, and one of Brian's as well. So, I got us tickets. Last night was the concert and it was AMAZING as always. Minus the standing in one spot for 5+ hours...we had a blast! We ended up getting a pass that allows you to wait in line INSIDE and not in the heat..and get up front before everyone else. A complete stranger came up to us and gave them to us. We were in the front row. It was awesome! This was my 4th time seeing them, and they were just as good as the first time I saw them 6 years ago.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

No parking zone

Every day , several times a day, I find new parking lots set up around the house. The other day, it was decided some of the cars would park on my desk. I love Ryker and his accuracy.

Texas on 2 wheels

A few weeks ago, I bought myself a bike. Since my doctor informed me that I was to only ride bikes or use machines such as ellipticals or treadmills, I figured this was the cheaper of the 3 options. I love it, I ride 3-5 miles a day usually. In this heat, that is plenty for me. Pretty styling huh?

Baby Khloe

Last Sunday(aug 14, I was a day off) one of my friends from my mommy group, had her baby girl. This is her second little one to the family. She also has a little boy about Rykers age. Congrats Lyndsay! She's perfect!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Journeys biggest fan...

This was at the mall the other day in the food court. You could text in a song to a number and the video would play on the screen. Of COURSE we picked this one!

Mom builds forts too!

The other night while we were all sitting around I decided it was time to build Rykers 1st official fort. We read books and sang some songs. Nothing much better than a fort.

Bumps and Bruises

A little over a week ago we went to a friends pool to do what else? Some swimming. They have a slide and Ryker insisted he was going to conquer the slide this time. He had gone up the stairs and down it 2 times before his fall. Brian was always at the stairs to assist him and I at the bottom to catch. This ONE time he got to the stairs and about 6 feet up before one of us could get over to him(the are so QUICK). Unfortunately, what I pictured happening did. He took his hand of the railing and fell pretty hard onto concrete(his face in the dirt) I nearly had a stroke at that very moment. He had a little bleeding in his mouth and got pretty scratched up. Also, a mini black eye for about two days after. I am positive I now have a grey hair somewhere on my head, if not 3 or 4. It was his first BIG accident that is for sure. About 5 min later he was still saying he wanted to go swimming. (we left anyways) He is 100% healed now of course and back to his full self.