Since our last blog, Ryker has turned 6 months old, started eating level 2 foods and he is seconds away from crawling. We also celebrated St. Patricks day by going downtown and watching the parade. Ryker LOVED it. He is extremely active, and extremely vocal. He LOVES to sing to the any music that is on around him. I must say. The 6Th month range is my favorite so far with Ryker. He is just very curious and reaching milestones daily. I love to watch him learn, hear him laugh, and see him smile all the time. It IS amazing.
We also just celebrated Rykers first Easter. Here is a couple pictures of him with his first Easter basket from his Grandma and Grandpa Spihlmann. He had a fun time digging through all the candy and toys.
Ryker also had his first live private concert. I entered a contest with a local radio station to meet a band(saving abel) and get a private performance. I won the contest. Ryker went with us and was the actual star of the show. haha He loved the 3 songs that they sang for us. It was alot of fun. Of course however, Rykers only fussy moment was during the picture with the band.