Saturday, July 25, 2009

Growing too fast

When we were on our way home from Ohio a few weeks ago, we stopped by to see Grandma and Grandpa Spihlmann. They live in Illinois right on the way from Grandma and Grandpa Williams. They surprised Ryker with this very cool rocking horse. He is a little small for it at the moment, but in a short time, I know he will LOVE it.

Here is Rykerman on the 4th of July, with his 4th gear on. He had a fun day.

Today Ryker wore his first "big boy" jammies. They are spider man and o so cute on him. I almost cried when Brian brought him down in them after his bath. He really is growing up too darn fast.

Ryker also started actual crawling in his 8th month. He is EVERYWHERE and in EVERYTHING, but, we love it. He also has started pulling himself and taking steps around things and behind his walk behind toy. As you can see he likes his (what we call "hand skates"), he pushes himself around on them all around the house, very quickly I might add. It is so funny to watch him on his "hand skates."

Every morning when he wakes up this is how we find him. We love the mornings. He is just happy as can be, how could this not make your start to a day a good one?

I started watching our niece Gabby 2 weeks ago. ( I know, how lucky am I every day?) Ryker is doing very well with her, he gets a little jealous, but overall he does great. They love to sit and smile and laugh at each other. It is very precious to watch.

Miss Gabby is growing like a little weed as well. She is now 3 months old and cute as ever. We love her very much and I am so lucky to be able to watch her grow up.

Monday, July 6, 2009

It has been a while

Well, now that it is after the 4th of July and I have not posted anything since mid April, I figured I should. Ryker is now just about 9 months old(July 13th). He is crawling, pulling himself up, holding his bottle, has TWO teeth, and just growing WAY to fast all around. He is about 22lbs and chunking up more every day...I love it. Alot has happened since mid April around here, some good, some bad. One of the good things, I mean GREAT things has that happened, was that we welcomed a beautiful little girl into our lives. I FINALLY have a niece to spoil! Her name is Gabby and she was born on April 25th, 2009. She is perfect in every way, and we are very blessed to have her in our lives. She is the most stylish (now) 2 months old little girl you have EVER seen.

One of the bad things that happened was that I broke my leg, dislocated my ankle, and ...tore the ligaments in my ankle on May 31st. It was one of the most painful things I have ever had happen and I don't recommend trying it for anyone. I had to have surgery just a few hours after arriving at the ER. They put a 6 inch or so plate in my leg, along with 2 screws to hold it in place. I spent a total of 3 days in the hospital. It was NOT fun. I get my toe-knee cast off July 15th and it cannot get here soon me. Then I will have to have a big black boot on for a few weeks after. Thankfully, Brian has been home due to his lay off. Other wise I would not know what we would have done with a baby and a person that cant walk.

Recently Ryker, Brian and I went to Ohio to visit my parents. It was a very nice, much needed trip. While visiting Ryker went swimming for the first time ever at my parents pool. He LOVED it very much. I cant wait to be able to take him myself as soon as I get this cast off of me. Ryker had his first driving lesson with Grandpa Williams...I think it went well. Over all, things are well and I cannot believe Ryker will be 1 in 3 short months. It really does fly by.