Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ryker at 2 months

On December 13th, Ryker turnend 2 months old. I cant believe 2 months have come and gone already in his life. So much has happened already that it makes me so excited, and nervous for all that is still to come in his future. He can roll from his belly to his back, he smiles sooo big, he coos and ahhs all the time, he holds his head up 90% of the time all on his own, and, hes been attempting to laugh. It really is amazing how much they change day to day.
On tuesday he had to get his 1st round of imunizations. That, was horrible(for me more than him) I of course cried when they gave them to himPreview. His little scream just melted my heart. I know it has to be done, but, I felt so bad for him.
After getting his shots he developed several fevers. One that reached 100.3 I was told if he ever got one that high to take him into the hospital imidiatley. I called the nurse line first and she confirmed my decision to take him in just to be sure. Once we arrived to the ER his temp had already dropped, that was a relief. 2 doctors looked him over to make sure he was ok, and he was just fine. They said it was due to his shots, but, I did the right thing by bringing him in to make sure. That was scary for me, but, I stayed calm. I was very proud of myself. haha I celebrated my 24th birthday on December 11th. One of my friends offered to watch Ryker for us so we could go out for a little bit. We, of course took that offer and went out for a few drinks with a few friends. It was very nice to be out with adults. :)
Mandy has adjusted very well to her new little brother, you can tell she is sad by the lack of attention that she gets compared to what she used to get. She has done better than we could ever ask for. She is a wonderful dog.
The last 2 months and 5 days have been very exciting and new to say the least.

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