Sunday, July 17, 2011


Ok, first of all, if you have a queazy stomach, I suggest not looking at these photos. They are rather gross and graphic. That being said, if you have a child Im almost positive you may be able to handle it, and understand what we had to go through. As many of you know, we have Ryker about 95% potty trained. When he takes his naps(or plays in his room awake quietly) he usually always knocks on the door and says, "mommy I need go potty", then I let him to potty and that is that. Well, yesterday he decided to knock on the door and say, "mommy...mommy...MOMMY" in a very sad and almost concerned voice. When I got about 3 feet from the door, I knew something was not good. I opened the door and saw a very naked Ryker standing amongst a large amount of poo around him. He too was of course covered head to toe..and I mean head. to. toe. I looked at Brian half afraid and half stunned and said, O ....MY.....GOD! Ryker started saying, "o my gosh mom, o my gosh, o my gosh" over and over. Brian got Ryker in the tub right away and I started what seemed like a never ending task of where do I even start, cleaning his room, cars, teddy bears, bed, walls, dresser, changing table, back of door, baby monitor....EVERYTHING! It took us a good 45 min to get it all cleaned up. It took every single ounce of adult in me, to make it through. All while laughing, and (nearly crying at times for me from complete disgust). WOW..the joys of parent hood. WOW Again, I know this is beyond gross, but I HAD to take pics for future embarrassment for the times he thinks he's too cool for something.
I could not describe this as anything other than a poo crime scene.

Nothing was spared

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