Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas gathering

My mommy group had a Christmas party gathering today. This group has given me the chance to meet some very wonderful women, and establish some life long friendships. I am extremely thankful for being able to be apart of it for both Ryker, and I. 
Everyone picking out a book

Everyone brought a book, and then we put them into a pile and let the kids pick one from it. It was a lot of fun. Ryker LOVES to read books, so he was very happy to get a new one. He picked out clifford the big red dog. We have already read several pages tonight. 


Johanna at The Baker Twins said...

Glad you found a good new group. :) They are lucky to have you.

The Spihlmann's said...

Thanks Johanna. They are great! I do miss you guys bunches though!