Monday, December 5, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Ryker and Daddy

Ryker with grandma and grandpa Spihlmann

Happy Thanksgiving 2011

I love his kisses

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We started a tradition within our 3 piece family this year.I baked some cookies and we took them to the local fire station on Thanksgiving day and THANKED them for all they do, and continue to do for our community. 

Ryker got to sit in the drivers seat of the firetruck and on the front of it. He was pretty happy about it.

This was one of the firefighters we got to talk with. He was very nice, and welcomed us back whenever we wanted to. 


Johanna at The Baker Twins said...

I see you are playing catch up with your blog too. :)

The Spihlmann's said...

Haha of course. I try so hard to do it at least once a week. Does not always happen though.